Friday, November 30, 2012

Match Moving

Match moving is the process by which a given shot is tracked meaning the contrasting points inside the footage is focused throughout the length of the shot and then points are placed in them on to which we can attach other 3D renders or even 2D images so that when the footage moves all of the attached features by us moves along with the footage . It so appears that those artifacts which we added are part of the original image rather than separate elements. i started off my initial experiments in After effects CS4. later i moved on to CS6 version of the same which have got its own 3D camera tracked which can be used to track the footage in 3D and a camera in After effects itself. 

Rigging and Motion capture

Rigging and Motion capture were one of those regions which were unknown to me till i started off doing rigging sessions after it was taught in the class. It was an amazing experience to see an un rigged crude mesh being able to walk down the road and do crazy action which can be only possible to do if were human.

Initially i conducted some experiments in Poser which provided many models upon which we can customize and build our own models. See one of the models which i modified and created in poser.

Later some experiments were done with .BVH motion files on models created in Poser inside Poser itself. See one of the models i created in Poser and on to which i applied motion capture files.

We had a motion capture session in our motion capture lab which enabled me to get accustomed with Vicon motion capture system. The files which were obtained from that system which were essentially .CSM files which were the character studio motion files,proprietary file formats of 3ds Max's Character studio package.

Later i did some inter software experiments including 3ds Max and Poser which gave me pretty interesting results.I created a scene in poser and exported it on to 3ds Max and then added a model in to that scene followed by adding motion capture files on to that model. The motion which i used for animating that model was mixed with seven different motion capture files seamlessly inside the motion mixer facility inside 3ds Max Please see the experiment below.


Paint or rotopainting as it is popularly called is a process by which a patch is created in either a composting package such as Nuke or After effects by clone tools available in them or by creating a patch in Photoshop and then importing them in to applications such as after effects and composite them by a combination of 2D tracking. The second process is what i followed primarily because of the fact that my shot in question was a long shot with minimal shaking and needed somewhat intricate manipulation pixels to make sure that the patch entirely matches up to its surroundings and stays hidden in front of the eyes of the viewer.

The footage that i have used in this experiment was downloaded from the website '' which allowed me to use this in my project.

The plate that i obtained from the original footage as well as the cleaned up footage in Photoshop is provided below.

Original Shot

Patch made in photoshop

Cleaned up shot

Matte painting

Matte painting was one of the areas where my modification skills got tested. I faced my limitations because i was not particularly strong at extensions and so i focused my matte painting on modification and clean up as i am good at that. I started with a Leeds City museum Picture and i cleaned up the parts where i thought was appropriate and added many artifacts on to them primarily by using various brushes in Photoshop and at last i needed an eerie sort of look which i was looking forward to for creating a ghostly feeling and i was able to accomplish that by the final color correction.The Ivy which is shown on the front doors and the golden statues were obtained from

I have used mostly brushes for creating the grass and Ivy on top of the building and also some of the dirt brushes i obtained from and


Lighting experiment conducted by myself was particularly about mental ray lights.Especially 'mrAreaspot' light combined with a skylight and a volumetric light and the results were quite amazing with the addition of global illumination. The full radio city and soft shadows were obtained as if in a real warehouse scene by changing the settings in the Final gather bounce values and sampling rate multiplier values.

Camera Projection

Camera projection is a technique by which a camera is allowed to project a texture on to a grid surface which in a 3D surface and the same camera is cloned and is made an animated camera.The animated camera moves in a controlled space in and around the main static projection camera and thereby allowing the viewer to feel that the original 2D scene upon which it was based is actually a 3D environment.
The wire frame render of my 3D mesh can be seen below.