Friday, November 30, 2012

Rigging and Motion capture

Rigging and Motion capture were one of those regions which were unknown to me till i started off doing rigging sessions after it was taught in the class. It was an amazing experience to see an un rigged crude mesh being able to walk down the road and do crazy action which can be only possible to do if were human.

Initially i conducted some experiments in Poser which provided many models upon which we can customize and build our own models. See one of the models which i modified and created in poser.

Later some experiments were done with .BVH motion files on models created in Poser inside Poser itself. See one of the models i created in Poser and on to which i applied motion capture files.

We had a motion capture session in our motion capture lab which enabled me to get accustomed with Vicon motion capture system. The files which were obtained from that system which were essentially .CSM files which were the character studio motion files,proprietary file formats of 3ds Max's Character studio package.

Later i did some inter software experiments including 3ds Max and Poser which gave me pretty interesting results.I created a scene in poser and exported it on to 3ds Max and then added a model in to that scene followed by adding motion capture files on to that model. The motion which i used for animating that model was mixed with seven different motion capture files seamlessly inside the motion mixer facility inside 3ds Max Please see the experiment below.

1 comment:

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